Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage 2024-04-08T12:29:43+08:00 Dr. Syed Shahridzan Syed Mohamed Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage (JIFTAH) (eISSN: 2821-3424 | ISSN: 2948-3689) is a is a referred biannual open-access blind-peer-reviewed research international journal published by Mufti of Federal Territory's Office (PMWP). It is a multi-language journal (English, Malay, and Arabic) and publishes twice a year (January &amp; June). The journal focuses on fatwas and Islamic heritage (turath) in every discipline of Islamic knowledge. This includes fiqh and its jurisprudence, theology, economics, law, political sciences, public administrations, and social sciences.</p> <p>مجلة الإفتاء والتراث الإسلامي (eISSN: 2821-3424 | ISSN: 2948-3689) (JIFTAH) هي مجلة محكمة نصف سنوية مفتوحة الوصول ومراجعة نظراء مفتوحة تنشرها دار الإفتاء للولاية الفدرالية الماليزية وهي مجلة متعددة اللغات (الإنجليزية والماليزية والعربية) وتنشر مرتين في السنة (يناير ويونيو). تركز المجلة على بحوث الفتاوى والتراث الإسلامي في جميع التخصصات العلمية للدراسات الإسلامية والعربية. ويشمل ذلك الفقه وأصوله، وعلم الكلام، والاقتصاد، والقانون، والعلوم السياسية، والإدارات العامة، والعلوم الاجتماعية.</p> <p>Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage (JIFTAH) (eISSN: 2821-3424 | ISSN: 2948-3689) merupakan jurnal dwi tahunan (Januari &amp; Jun) antarabangsa yang dinilai dan diterbitkan oleh oleh Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan (PMWP). JIFTAH menerbitkan makalah dan kajian ilmiah dalam Bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Arab. Jurnal ini memberi tumpuan kepada bidang fatwa dan Turath dalam setiap disiplin ilmu Islam, termasuk fiqh dan usul, aqidah, ekonomi, undang-undang, sains politik, pentadbiran awam, dan sains sosial.</p> Advancing Halal Vaccine Certification in Malaysia: Exploring The Legal Status Criteria Of Islamic Principles Through Fiqh Rules 2024-04-08T12:29:43+08:00 Johari Ab Latiff Zalina Zakaria Sa’adan Man <p>In Malaysia, it is essential to establish a system for the halal certification of vaccine products. In 2019, the Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM) expanded the scope and criteria of the Malaysian Standard MS 2424, titled Halal Pharmaceuticals—General Requirements, in collaboration with various relevant government entities and the pharmaceutical industry. This standard serves as a comprehensive guideline for halal pharmaceutical and vaccine products, representing a favourable development. The lack of a well-defined legal framework based on Islamic principles derived from the <em>fiqh </em>rules and other relevant legal sources currently impedes the implementation of halal certification for vaccine products. Furthermore, prior to this, the status of vaccine products was determined using fatwas issued by the governing body rather than following a halal certification procedure. The potential issuance of halal certification for vaccine products raises concerns regarding the public's potential rejection of noncertified vaccines, especially during a pandemic. The primary objective of this study was to conduct an analysis of the Islamic principles employed in the certification procedure for halal vaccines. Qualitative research methodologies were utilized to achieve this objective. Data for this study was collected through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with significant stakeholders. The study's findings suggest that a number of Islamic principles derived from <em>Fiqh </em>rules can direct the implementation of halal vaccine certification.The aforementioned principles include the Principles of Halal Substances, <em>Ḍarūrah</em>, <em>Maṣlaḥah</em>, <em>Iḥtiyāṭ</em>, <em>Istiḥālah Tāmmah</em>, <em>Istiḥlāk</em>, and Fatwa.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage Judicial Judgement In Islamic Judiciary: An Appraisal Of Its Distinctive Attributions And Features 2024-01-30T09:21:02+08:00 Mohd Lotpi Mohd Yusob Abdul Karim Ali <p>One of the important features of Islamic judiciary is the judicial judgement. The judicial judgement is an avenue where the judge pronounces his judgement and its reason. The judgement and its reason will be filled by plethora of jurisprudential discussions. Hence, it is occasionally confused with fiqh and fatwa while in fact the judgement is completely a different ruling mechanism compared to both fiqh and fatwa. In fact, judicial judgement will have its attributions and characteristics. On this point, this article aims to address its distinctive attributions and features. The library research and content analysis will be conducted to accomplish that aim. At the end, the article will expose and elucidate thoroughly the concept of judicial judgement of Islamic judiciary, its ingredients and distinctive attributions.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage Konsep Tanzīh Dalam Kitab Al-Aqīdah Al-Taḥāwiyyah 2024-01-30T16:37:42+08:00 Wan Ahmad Naqiuddin Wan Khalid Wan Haslan Khairuddin <p>This article discusses the concept of tanzīh (transcendence) in the book al-Aqīdah al-Taḥāwiyyah. The main issue discussed in this article is related to the statement of the concept of tanzīh presented by Imam al-Taḥāwi in his book. This study used a qualitative design by applying content analysis methods to the book al-Aqīdah al-Taḥāwiyyah and library research on its commentaries by Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah scholars. Overall, the study results found that Imam al-Taḥāwi concisely explained the concept of tanzīh and emphasized several specific themes. The themes include [i] the transcendence of Allah SWT’s essence from allies and equals with Him, [ii] the transcendence of Allah SWT’s essence and attributes from resembling creatures, and [iii] the transcendence of Allah’s words from resembling the word of creatures. The commentators’ explanation further explains Imam al-Taḥāwi’s meaning in each statement. The benefits and effects of understanding the concept of tanzīh can save a Muslim from falling into misguided beliefs such as anthropomorphism (tajsīm) and immanent (tashbīh).</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage Perkembangan Penulisan Kalam Ash‘ari di Barat Dunia Islam Selepas Era Imam Sanūsī (W.895H) 2024-01-31T16:03:51+08:00 Izham Hakimi Redzan <p>The Ash‘ari theological madhhab has firmly taken root in the Western Islamic World since the late fourth century of Hijrah. The presence of Ash‘ari scholars has been instrumental in the development and dissemination of Ash‘ari theology in the Western Islamic world, particularly during the era of Imam Sanūsī who successfully integrated two distinct schools of thought within the Ash'ari madhhab, namely the al-Mutaqaddimīn and al-Muta’akhirīn factions. Futhermore, Imam Sanūsī has left behind many works, notably the compilation of theological treatises known collectively as al-‘Aqā’id as-Sanūsiyyah. This compilation consists of al-‘Aqīdah al-Kubrā, al-‘Aqīdah al-Wusṭā, al-‘Aqīdah as-Ṣughrā (Umm al-Barāhīn), Ṣughrā as-Ṣughra, Ṣughrā Ṣughrā as-Ṣughra (al-Hafīdah), and al-Mufīdah. These texts provide the fundamental framework for the renewal of Imam Sanūsī's theological methodology. This renewal has empowered subsequent Ash‘ari theologians in the Western Islamic world after Imam Sanūsī's era to independently interpret and engage in scholarly discussions on the theological matters and to innovate by producing writings rooted in commonly accepted foundations. This study employs a historical approach, delving into the evolution of the Ash‘ari madhhab following the era of Imam Sanūsī. Additionally, it incorporates a textual analysis of theological discussions and scholarly works in the Western Islamic World, focusing on theological books. The analysis primarily aims to scrutinize the stylistic aspects of Ash‘ari theologians' writings and explore the creative dimensions inherent in their literary compositions.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage Pendekatan Imam Al-Ghazali Dalam Menyikapi Disiplin Falsafah: Suatu Analisis Epistemologikal 2024-01-10T08:47:23+08:00 Azmil Zainal Abidin <p>Philosophical thought (al-tafkir al-falsafi) is synonymous with human nature as a wise creature. Based on the characteristics of philosophy like critical, radical, integral, and universal, the branch of philosophy includes ontology and cosmology (the reality of existence), epistemology (theory of knowledge), and axiology (value system), so that philosophy is considered the queen, or mother of all knowledge The paper is studying Imam al-Ghazali’s contributions in philosophy. As a scholar of Islamic thought, al-Ghazali could not avoid responding to the challenge of philosophy during his time. Next, this study tries to coordinate his critical analysis with his epistemological perspective. His main work became the primary reference of this study.&nbsp;&nbsp; Hence, this study found that al-Ghazali was fair towards philosophy and all its diverse disciplines during that time. By measuring certainty for each branch of the philosophical ‘family,’ he adjusted the reasons for acceptance and rejection according to modifications consistent with the neutrality of knowledge. Thus, al-Ghazali successfully displayed the simplicity of Islam in recognizing the position of revelation, intuition, reason, and the senses in their appropriateness while also supporting the integral and unified basis of Islamic epistemology. He also supported the principle of harmony of revelation and reason in its specific context.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage Makna Dan Matlamat Agama Dalam Islam Menurut Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas 2024-01-29T17:42:43+08:00 Mohd Farid Mohd Shahran <p>Religion, despite being an important subject that is sought after by many these days, could sometimes, due to confusion and ignorance, be the cause of conflict and disunity. The diverse attempts at explaining religions that are at times conflicting with one another would only cause more confusion among Muslims in understanding the true religion of Islam. Such confusion only deepens when some explanations are given based on a framework that is foreign to the worldview of Islam. This article discusses the exposition of the meaning of religion and its basic principles by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas in his major works. Using semantic analysis, al-Attas connects many important Quranic concepts to a harmonious understanding of religion.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage Metodologi Pengajian Akidah Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah 2024-02-13T09:34:02+08:00 Mohd Hamidi Ismail <p>The restructuring of the Islamic faith into a disciplined form underwent several phases until the Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah school of thought was completed. Their scholars have written a corpus of complete epistemological frameworks to the subject, which Muslims must believe. Discussing the framework, this research builds on a qualitative study. It analyses several related writings of the scholars of the Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah, especially the al-Ashāʿirah group, to get an implicit idea of their methodology in studying the faith. The preliminary findings found that the methodology of the scholars of Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah is comprehensive, debating all theological issues, whether based on revelation, proof or thinkable reasons. Besides that, Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah’s methodology also interacts wisely and thoughtfully with all the questions raised, whether in strengthening the Islamic faith or doubting it. Simply put, the methodology of Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah in Islamic faith studies is a neat product. It came from the scrupulousness of scholars, who detail the problems of faith and balance it according to the principles of Sharia and guide the healthy mind.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage Konsep Qarā’in Al-Tarjīḥ Dalam Pensabitan Samāʿ: Kajian Terhadap Muqarrar Al-Takhrīj Karya Ḥātim Al-ʿawnī 2024-01-12T11:09:16+08:00 Dzulfaidhi Hakimie Dzulraidi Norazam Khair Mohd Ithnin Muhammad Taufiq Amat Famsir @ Amat Tamsir Danial Hazim Ayub <p>Disputes regarding the classification of hadiths in the discourse of hadith criticism arise due to doctrinal differences among hadith scholars. One polemic center on qarā’in al-tarjīḥ, particularly in the context of evaluating a narrator's reliability in auditory transmission (samāʿ). The Introduction of the Iḥyā' Manhaj al-Mutaqaddimīn (IMM) emerges as a new school of thought in this discourse, with Ḥātim al-ʿAwnī being a prominent figure discussing qarā’in al-tarjīḥ in the context of narrators' audition. This study aims to analyze the aspects of qarā’in al-tarjīḥ in the authentication of narrations through audition as presented by Ḥātim al-ʿAwnī in his work, "Muqarrar al-Takhrīj wa Manhaj al-Hukm 'alā al-Ḥadīth." The methodology employed is a qualitative approach based on documentary analysis for data collection and content analysis as the method of data analysis. Findings: Ḥātim al-ʿAwnī formulates five principles in evaluating the reliability of auditory transmission within a chain of narrators and emphasizes the importance of qarā’in al-tarjīḥ in the fifth principle. The results reveal that Ḥātim al-ʿAwnī introduces six forms of qarā’in al-tarjīḥ in the authentication of narrations through audition, providing valuable guidance for hadith researchers in determining the continuity or discontinuity of a chain of narration. The justification for this study suggests further research to identify qarā’in al-tarjīḥ methods employed by scholars from other doctrinal schools. Additionally, an examination of the practical application of qarā’in al-tarjīḥ among early scholars, especially critics from the Mutaqaddimīn scholars, could shed light on the feasibility of this discourse during the period of active hadith transmission.</p> <p> </p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage