Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage
<p>Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage (JIFTAH) (eISSN: 2821-3424 | ISSN: 2948-3689) is a is a referred biannual open-access blind-peer-reviewed research international journal published by Department of Federal Territories Mufti (JMWP). It is a multi-language journal (English, Malay, and Arabic) and publishes twice a year (January & June). The journal focuses on fatwas and Islamic heritage (turath) in every discipline of Islamic knowledge. This includes fiqh and its jurisprudence, theology, economics, law, political sciences, public administrations, and social sciences.</p> <p>مجلة الإفتاء والتراث الإسلامي (eISSN: 2821-3424 | ISSN: 2948-3689) (JIFTAH) هي مجلة محكمة نصف سنوية مفتوحة الوصول ومراجعة نظراء مفتوحة تنشرها دار الإفتاء للولاية الفدرالية الماليزية وهي مجلة متعددة اللغات (الإنجليزية والماليزية والعربية) وتنشر مرتين في السنة (يناير ويونيو). تركز المجلة على بحوث الفتاوى والتراث الإسلامي في جميع التخصصات العلمية للدراسات الإسلامية والعربية. ويشمل ذلك الفقه وأصوله، وعلم الكلام، والاقتصاد، والقانون، والعلوم السياسية، والإدارات العامة، والعلوم الاجتماعية.</p> <p>Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage (JIFTAH) (eISSN: 2821-3424 | ISSN: 2948-3689) merupakan jurnal dwi tahunan (Januari & Jun) antarabangsa yang dinilai dan diterbitkan oleh oleh Jabatan Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan (JMWP). JIFTAH menerbitkan makalah dan kajian ilmiah dalam Bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Arab. Jurnal ini memberi tumpuan kepada bidang fatwa dan Turath dalam setiap disiplin ilmu Islam, termasuk fiqh dan usul, aqidah, ekonomi, undang-undang, sains politik, pentadbiran awam, dan sains sosial.</p>Department of Federal Territories Muftien-USJournal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage2948-3689Analysing Ruling of al-Ṣarf in Contemporary Issues
<p><em>Al-ṣarf</em> is crucial in Islamic finance, regulating currency exchanges to prevent unfair practices like <em>ribā</em> (usury) and gharar (uncertainty). Initially focused on gold and silver transactions in classical jurisprudence, its scope has expanded to address modern financial issues, including fiat currencies, electronic payments, and digital products. This study examines how these mechanisms align with or diverge from traditional Islamic principles; this study explores the application of <em>al-Ṣarf</em> to modern financial tools such as vouchers, points and cashback. The research uses a qualitative approach to analyse these financial instruments and draws on classical and contemporary Islamic jurisprudence. The findings indicate that cashback generally adheres to <em>al-Ṣarf</em> principles, while vouchers and points require distinct <em>Sharīʿah</em> interpretations due to their unique structures. The study emphasises distinguishing between single and combined <em>ribawī</em> items in financial transactions. Through this analysis, the paper highlights the ongoing relevance of <em>al-Ṣarf</em> in navigating modern financial practices, contributing to the broader discussion on ensuring that contemporary financial instruments comply with <em>Sharīʿah</em> rules and principles.</p>Wan Ahmad Zarif Wan YusoffAhmad Faqihuddin Muhammad NorizanMuhammad Nadzri Ahmad Jailani
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage
2024-06-302024-06-3032126Turāth Elements In An Islamic Economics Program At The International Islamic University Malaysia: An Appraisal
<p>This study describes the <em>turāth</em> elements accentuated in an Islamic economics program at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). The Bachelor of Economics (Honours) program was founded in 1983 upon an integrated curriculum that combines modern economics and Islamic heritage, where two out of six stages of the Islamic economics development process, as outlined by Haneef, Arshad, and Mohammed (2023), require inputs from Islamic heritage and their interpretations. The teaching of Islamic heritage in economics can be either directly from al-Quran and al-Sunnah or indirectly based on their legal interpretations within the Shariah framework. The course outlines at the Department of Economics, IIUM, are analysed to determine their contents on Islamic heritage and classified into four types: courses with discernible application of <em>turāth</em>, <em>fiqh</em>, <em>uṣūl al-fiqh</em>, and Islamic economics courses. Weak Arabic proficiency, lack of English references, and disconnect between Islamic heritage and modern economics have been identified as three main challenges in the efforts to incorporate Islamic heritage in teaching Islamic economics. As the way forward, it is suggested that a new course be introduced to enhance students’ ability to access Islamic heritage sources and analyse them using the proper methodology developed by scholars.</p>Muhammad Irwan Ariffin
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage
2024-06-302024-06-30322753Pentakrifan dan Penisbahan Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah (al-Ashāʿirah dan al-Māturīdiyyah) Dalam Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Agama Islam Kerajaan Negeri: Satu Analisis Kritis Dalam Konteks Malaysia
<p>The term Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah holds an unmistakable position in Islam. The role of Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah is significant in preserving and promoting the Islamic faith in this globalized world. The objective of this writing is to clarify the definition and attribution of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaah, whether it is compatible or not with the beliefs and methodologies of al-Ashāʿirah and al-Māturīdiyyah, as well as the necessity of incorporating it into the Administration of Islamic Law in the States. The findings indicate that the definitions and characteristics of Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) largely complement the beliefs and methodologies of al-Ashāʿirah and al-Māturīdiyyah in the current context. The need to include this definition in the Administration of Islamic Law in the States can align understanding regarding faith and the practice of Shariah across Malaysia. Furthermore, it can help to maintain unity, security, and governance stability in Malaysia.</p>Muhammad Khairi MahyuddinNurhanisah Senin Mohammed Amin Ali Ali Mohammed Eyssa
Copyright (c) 2024
2024-06-302024-06-30325477Analisis Penisbahan Risālah Al-Nawawī Fī Kalām Allāh Kepada Muḥyī Al-Dīn Al-Nawawī
<p>Muḥyī al-Dīn Yaḥyā bin Sharaf al-Nawawī (d. 676 H) is a figure of the al-Ash'arī school who is known for his expertise in jurisprudence and hadith. This can be seen through the pile of works he left for the Muslims after him, such as Sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim and al-Majmū'. His greatness in shar'ī knowledge across fields of knowledge is a matter agreed upon by the people so that he deserves to be called 'mutafannin/polymath'. However, there is a treatise entitled 'Risālah al-Nawawī fī Kalām Allāh' which talks explicitly about the issue of the attribute of Allah's kalam, which is tried to be attributed to him as an argument that he left the al-Ash'arī school. Although it is doubtful, some contemporary scholars still try to prove the work's authenticity. Therefore, this study was written to comment on and analyse the treatise to fulfil the knowledge and academic responsibility. This qualitative study uses the method of literature review and related document analysis as well as comparative research to identify the facts by comparing the content of the treatise and al-Nawawī's other works. The study found that the treatise's attribution to al-Nawawī is doubtful and does not deserve to be attributed to him based on various evidence and arguments. This study also concludes that the claim that he left the al-Ash'arī sect at the end of his life based on the treatise is untrue.</p>Mohd Saiful Aqil Naim Saful Amin
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage
2024-06-302024-06-303278112Peranan Dato’ Syed Alwi Bin Tahir Al-Haddad Dalam Menanggapi Isu-Isu Agama Di Nusantara (1920-1961): Satu Sorotan
<p> The migration of Hadrami Arabs to the Malay archipelago significantly impacted economic growth, intellectual activity and administrative efficiency in the community there. Therefore, this paper focuses on Syed Alwi bin Tahir al-Haddad since he is the mufti of Johor, a Hadrami Arab most prominent in interacting with current religious issues. This study is qualitative and uses the descriptive analysis method based on the results of previous studies. The results of this study found that Syed Alwi bin Tahir al-Haddad became one of the immigrant figures who was proactive about the current religious issues that appeared in the middle of the Muslim archipelago at that time by using the existing platform. The variety of quality works he produced also highlights his breadth of knowledge and intellectual strength.</p>Abdul Rahman bin Abd Jalil
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage