Fatwas on Zakat in Malaysia – Trends and Issues
Zakat, Fatwa, MalaysiaAbstract
The obligation and payment of zakat in Malaysia is synonymous with the spread of Islam. From the middle of the last century, the authorised fatwa committees have issued various fatwas related to the collection and distribution of zakat. The article is devoted to the study on these fatwas as issued by the authorised fatwa committees both at the national and state levels. The article aims to provide a holistic understanding of the trends in the fatwas of zakat by reviewing fatwas on both the collection and distribution of zakat. This is achieved through an examination of fatwas on zakat as available in the Jabatan Kemajuan Islam’s and the states’ portal on fatwas and published collections of fatwas by some states. The review highlights the encompassing development and issues related to zakat tackled by these fatwas throughout times in providing religious verdicts and solutions in facilitating the administration of zakat for both the zakat authorities as well as the public.
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