Peranan Dato’ Syed Alwi Bin Tahir Al-Haddad Dalam Menanggapi Isu-Isu Agama Di Nusantara (1920-1961): Satu Sorotan

A Highlight Of The Role Of Dato' Syed Alwi Bin Tahir Al-Haddad In Responding To Religious Issues In The Malay Archipelago (1920-1961)


  • Abdul Rahman bin Abd Jalil Islamic Affairs Officer, Johor State Islamic Religious Department, The Sultan Iskandar Building, Jalan Jalan Tun Habab, 81900 Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia.


Arab Hadrami, Syed Alwi bin Tahir Al-Haddad, Religious Issue, Malay Archipelago


 The migration of Hadrami Arabs to the Malay archipelago significantly impacted economic growth, intellectual activity and administrative efficiency in the community there. Therefore, this paper focuses on Syed Alwi bin Tahir al-Haddad since he is the mufti of Johor, a Hadrami Arab most prominent in interacting with current religious issues. This study is qualitative and uses the descriptive analysis method based on the results of previous studies. The results of this study found that Syed Alwi bin Tahir al-Haddad became one of the immigrant figures who was proactive about the current religious issues that appeared in the middle of the Muslim archipelago at that time by using the existing platform. The variety of quality works he produced also highlights his breadth of knowledge and intellectual strength.


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How to Cite

bin Abd Jalil, A. R. (2024). Peranan Dato’ Syed Alwi Bin Tahir Al-Haddad Dalam Menanggapi Isu-Isu Agama Di Nusantara (1920-1961): Satu Sorotan: A Highlight Of The Role Of Dato’ Syed Alwi Bin Tahir Al-Haddad In Responding To Religious Issues In The Malay Archipelago (1920-1961). Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage, 3(2), 113–143. Retrieved from