Turāth Elements In An Islamic Economics Program At The International Islamic University Malaysia: An Appraisal
Islamic Heritage, Islamic Economics, Integration of Knowledge, Islamic Economics CurriculumAbstract
This study describes the turāth elements accentuated in an Islamic economics program at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). The Bachelor of Economics (Honours) program was founded in 1983 upon an integrated curriculum that combines modern economics and Islamic heritage, where two out of six stages of the Islamic economics development process, as outlined by Haneef, Arshad, and Mohammed (2023), require inputs from Islamic heritage and their interpretations. The teaching of Islamic heritage in economics can be either directly from al-Quran and al-Sunnah or indirectly based on their legal interpretations within the Shariah framework. The course outlines at the Department of Economics, IIUM, are analysed to determine their contents on Islamic heritage and classified into four types: courses with discernible application of turāth, fiqh, uṣūl al-fiqh, and Islamic economics courses. Weak Arabic proficiency, lack of English references, and disconnect between Islamic heritage and modern economics have been identified as three main challenges in the efforts to incorporate Islamic heritage in teaching Islamic economics. As the way forward, it is suggested that a new course be introduced to enhance students’ ability to access Islamic heritage sources and analyse them using the proper methodology developed by scholars.
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