Perkembangan Penulisan Kalam Ash‘ari di Barat Dunia Islam Selepas Era Imam Sanūsī (W.895H)

The Development of Ash‘ari Kalam Writing in the Western Islamic World after the Era of Imam Sanūsī (D. 895 AH)


  • Izham Hakimi Redzan Research Fellow, Institute of Islam Hadhari, National University of Malaysia (UKM), 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.


The Develepmont of Writing, Kalām Ashā‘ri, Western Islamic World, as-Sanūsī


The Ash‘ari theological madhhab has firmly taken root in the Western Islamic World since the late fourth century of Hijrah. The presence of Ash‘ari scholars has been instrumental in the development and dissemination of Ash‘ari theology in the Western Islamic world, particularly during the era of Imam Sanūsī who successfully integrated two distinct schools of thought within the Ash'ari madhhab, namely the al-Mutaqaddimīn and al-Muta’akhirīn factions. Futhermore, Imam Sanūsī has left behind many works, notably the compilation of theological treatises known collectively as al-‘Aqā’id as-Sanūsiyyah. This compilation consists of al-‘Aqīdah al-Kubrā, al-‘Aqīdah al-Wusṭā, al-‘Aqīdah as-Ṣughrā (Umm al-Barāhīn), Ṣughrā as-Ṣughra, Ṣughrā Ṣughrā as-Ṣughra (al-Hafīdah), and al-Mufīdah. These texts provide the fundamental framework for the renewal of Imam Sanūsī's theological methodology. This renewal has empowered subsequent Ash‘ari theologians in the Western Islamic world after Imam Sanūsī's era to independently interpret and engage in scholarly discussions on the theological matters and to innovate by producing writings rooted in commonly accepted foundations. This study employs a historical approach, delving into the evolution of the Ash‘ari madhhab following the era of Imam Sanūsī. Additionally, it incorporates a textual analysis of theological discussions and scholarly works in the Western Islamic World, focusing on theological books. The analysis primarily aims to scrutinize the stylistic aspects of Ash‘ari theologians' writings and explore the creative dimensions inherent in their literary compositions.


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How to Cite

Redzan, I. H. (2024). Perkembangan Penulisan Kalam Ash‘ari di Barat Dunia Islam Selepas Era Imam Sanūsī (W.895H): The Development of Ash‘ari Kalam Writing in the Western Islamic World after the Era of Imam Sanūsī (D. 895 AH). Journal of Ifta and Islamic Heritage, 3(1), 59–96. Retrieved from